
1. Store Event

  • /event
Method: POST
Requires Authentication: NO
  • action

    The action of the event, for example: placing a 3D model

  • object_type

    The type of object that the action is made against, could be a product, a hit, a category, etc.

  • object_id

    The ID of the object, for example, the ID of the product or the category, etc.


Allowed object_type:
- products
- hits
- categories
- variations
- stores
- countries

Allowed actions:
- place_product => Placement of a 3D model in AR. Expected object_type: hits
- destroy_hit => Removement of a 3D model in AR. Expected object_type: hits
- store_conversion => The user just clicked "buy" on a product. Expected object_type: products

  • Success
    Status code: 200